Monday 1 September 2014

Sad farewells

We are now in Negombo for our final night before flying home.  We have had a really memorable mission with some really good feedback already from the various pastors and churches we have visited.  They are already desperate for us to come again!

The final Sunday was spent at Bellwood.  We all took part in the service and then had lunch.  Dave P did the ice bucket challenge way up on the rooftop of the unfinished building here and then some of us went into Kandy.  Sadly Beth is unwell with tonsillitis and had had to break into her emergency supply of antibiotics as has Dave P for a chest infection.  Please pray especially for Beth who really needs to recover for the flight and for work on Wednesday.

In the evening we were treated to a show of the students dancing and we exchanged gifts with everyone.  Our hearts have been so touched by everyone here and it is hard to say goodbye.

This morning we loaded up the van and headed  off with all the students waving us off.  I think we all felt sad.  As usual it was a pretty hairy ride in the bus overtaking on the twisty windy roads and narrowly missing oncoming traffic but praise God we are all safe and looking forward to coming home and seeing our families and friends and telling you all about this great adventure with God.

We will post some photos when we get back.  See you soon!


  1. Looking forward to seeing you all.....glad you were able to chill a little before the flight home. Hope you feel better Beth soon....x Dad no. 2

  2. Well done all of you!. I rejoice in all that Almighty God has done through you these past two weeks.Safe Journey home.
    Paul Slennett
